Wednesday, May 13, 2020

On Peut Se Tutoyer - French Expression Explained

Expression: On peut se tutoyer ?Pronunciation: [o(n) peu seu tu twa yay]Meaning: Can we use tu with each other?​Register: informal Explanation French makes an important distinction between  tu, the informal you, and vous, the formal you. There are even verbs: tutoyer means to use tu and vouvoyer means to use vous. Deciding whether to use ​tu or vous can be difficult for non-native speakers, and then even when you do choose correctly, you sometimes need to make a switch. Thats where the French expression on peut se tutoyer comes in.Some situations, such as a meeting between friends of friends, are borderline. The French feel that maybe they should use vous but would prefer tu. In order to avoid offense, theyll ask on peut se tutoyer  ? Another common scenario occurs when you start out using vous with someone and eventually become friends — at some point youll want to make the switch to tu. Variations: Peut-on se tutoyer  ? On se tutoie  ?

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